Ордена и медали Словацкой республики
Ордена и Знаки отличия:
- Орден Двойного белого креста
- Order of Andrej Hlinka
- Орден Людовита Штура
- Cross of Milan Rastislav Stefanik
- Pribina Cross
- Cross of the President of the Slovak Republic
Награды Министерства обороны:
- Медаль За отвагу
- Медаль За службу в миротворческих миссиях
- Медаль За гуманитарную помощь
- Памятная медаль Министерства обороны
- Медаль За верность вооруженным силам
- Medal of Military Defence Intelligence
- Medal of the Military Intelligence
- Medal for Service in Peace Observation Missions
- Памятная медаль За участие в международных операциях
- Commemorative Medal of the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II
- Commemorative Cross of the Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces
- Medal of Military Office of the President of the Slovak Republic
- Медаль Военной полиции
- Памятная медаль 15 лет вооруженным силам
- Commemorative Medal for Participation in the Fight Against Fascism and for the Liberation of Homeland
- Commemorative Medal for the 20th anniversary of the Armed Forces
- Commemorative Medal of the 10th Anniversary of Slovakia's accession to NATO
- Памятная медаль В честь 70-летия Словацкого восстания
- Medal for Wounds in Combat
- Military Intelligence Medal
- Commemorative medal of the Army Ground Forces
- Commemorative Medal of the EOD Centre of Excellence
- Commemorative Medal of the Army Air Force
- Commemorative Medal for the 25th anniversary of the Armed Forces
- Military Veteran Commemorative Cross
- Commemorative Medal for the 75th anniversary of the Slovak National Uprising and the end of World War II
- Commemorative medal for the 25th anniversary of the Military Intelligence
- Commemorative Medal of the Military History Institute
Награды Министерства внутренних дел:
- Sacrifice Medal
- Medal for Service in the Police Force
- Медаль За героический поступок
- Памятная медаль министра внутренних дел
- Медаль тюремной охраны За заслуги