Jubilee Medal 115 Years of the Trade Union Movement of Belarus

BLR036 Юбілейны медаль 115 год прафсаюзнаму руху Беларусі

  • Medal was instituted on 29 April 2019.
  • Medal was awarded to members of trade unions who have made a significant contribution to the trade union movement in Belarus and the socio-economic development of the country; veterans of the trade union movement in Belarus, trade union workers, officials of state bodies of the Republic of Belarus and other states, members of public associations who, by personal example and social activities, protect the labor and socio-economic rights and legitimate interests of trade union members; citizens of the Republic of Belarus, awarded with state awards of the USSR and the Republic of Belarus for valiant work and achieved high results in their work during the preparation for the anniversary of the trade union movement in Belarus.
