Jubilee medal 80 years of the State Security Committee

BLR022 Юбілейны медаль 80 год Камітэту дзяржаўнай бяспекі Рэспублікі Беларусь

  • Medal was instituted on 20 October 1997.
  • Medal was awarded to servicemen of the KGB of the Republic of Belarus who have achieved positive results in their official activities and have a length of service in military service in the KGB system of 10 years or more; KGB pensioners dismissed from military service due to age, illness, length of service and reduction in staff and having, on the day of dismissal, a length of service in military service of 25 years or more; citizens of the Republic of Belarus and individual employees of the security agencies of the CIS countries who have made a significant contribution to ensuring the state security of the Republic of Belarus.
