Medal of the Brazilian Red Cross

BRA109  Medalha da Cruz Vermelha Brasileira

  • Decoration instituted by Decree No.7928 of 3 September 1945.
  • Decoration awarded to Brazilians and foreigners, civilians and military, for services rendered to Humanity, through the Brazilian Red Cross.
  • Decoration awarded in eight classes: Cross of Honor (Cruz de Honra), Cross of Benemerence (Cross of Benemerence), Cross of Distinction (Cruz de Distinção), Cross of Merit (Cruz de Mérito), Cross of Distinguished Services (Cruz de Serviços Distintos), Medal of Good Services (Medalha de Bons Serviços), Medal of Exemplary Conduct (Medalha de Conduta Exemplar) and Medal of Attendance (Medalha de Assiduidade).

Federative Republic of Brazil