Soviet officers awarded the Order of the "Virtuti Militari"
On 22 December 1944 the Polish Committee of National Liberation passed a "Virtuti Militari Award Act", which accepted the Cross as the highest military decoration of both the 1st Polish Army of the Red Army and the Armia Ludowa resistance organization.
The order was also awarded to foreign citizens - the command personnel of the Soviet Army and the Allied armies.
Below is a list of the officers of the Red Army awarded the Order of the "Virtuti Militari", in alphabetical order.
Agaltsov Philip Alexandrovich
Soviet military leader, Air Marshal, Hero of the Soviet Union. In December 1944, he was appointed commander of the 1st Polish Mixed Aviation Corps, and soon he was promoted to the rank of Brigade General of the Polish People's Army.
Awarded with the Cross of the 5th class.
Akulov Petr Grigorievich
Hero of the Soviet Union, commander of the 520th Infantry Regiment of the 167th Infantry Division of the 38th Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front.
Awarded with the Cross of the 5th class.
Alekseev Dmitry Fedorovich
Soviet military leader, Colonel general. In December 1943, Alekseev was appointed commander of the 105th Rifle Corps of the 65th Army. The corps distinguished itself during the Mlavsko-Elbing operation to liberate the Polish city of Elbing.
Awarded with the Cross of the 5th class.
Anisimov Nikolay Petrovich
Soviet military leader, Colonel general. In the Great Patriotic War, the front commander, deputy commander of the army for rear services, head of the rear services of the North Caucasian, Crimean, Stalingrad, South-Eastern, Southern, 4th and 1st Ukrainian fronts.
Awarded with the Cross of the 5th class.
Artemjev Georgy Petrovich
Guard Colonel. As chief of staff of the 6th Guards Cavalry Division, as part of the 2nd Belorussian Front, he participated in the liberation of Poland.
Awarded with the Cross of the 5th class.
Baranov Yakov Mikhailovich
Was born on 5 November 1909. Major General. From 25 September 1943 - Chief of Staff of the 244th Tank Brigade of the 30th Tank Corps of the 4th Tank Army.
He took part in the Lvov-Sandomierz operation to liberate Western Ukraine and South-Eastern Poland.
Awarded with the Cross of the 5th class.
Bevzyuk Wojciech Mikhailovich
Soviet and Polish military leader, Lieutenant-General. Since 20 November 1943, Colonel Bevziuk is the commander of the 1st Tadeusz Kościuszko Infantry Division.
Awarded with the Crosses of the 4th and 5th classes.
Bogdanov Alexander Mikhailovich
Major Bogdanov served in the 1st Tadeusz Kościuszko Infantry Division. With the First Polish Army he reached Berlin. After the war, he was promoted to the rank of Brigade General, served as chief of staff of artillery in the Warsaw Military District. His military services were marked by seventeen Soviet and fifteen Polish state awards.
Awarded with the Cross of the 5th class.
Bordzilovskiy Yuri Vyacheslavovich
Soviet and Polish military leader, Colonel-General of the engineering troops. On 24 September 1944, he was appointed chief of the engineering troops of the First Polish Army. After the war, on 15 November 1945, he was appointed chief of the engineering troops of the Polish Army. On 23 March 1954, he was appointed Chief of the General Staff of the Polish Army and Deputy Defense Minister of the People's Republic of Poland.
Awarded with the Cross of the 5th class.
Bukshtynovich Mikhail Fomich
Soviet military leader, Lieutenant general. As chief of staff of the 3rd Shock Army, he took part in the Warsaw-Poznan operation.
Awarded with the Cross of the 5th class.
Veremey Ivan Nikolaevich
Soviet military leader, Major General of Tank Forces, Hero of the Soviet Union. Participated in the Vistula-Oder operation to liberate Poland west of the Vistula.
Awarded with the Cross of the 5th class.
Vershinin Konstantin Andreevich
Soviet military commander, Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force of the USSR. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded for his military skills and skilful command of the troops in the Belarussian offensive operation of 1944, during which the territory of Belarus and eastern Poland was liberated.
Awarded with the Cross of the 5th class.
Glazyev Ilya Dmitrievich
Major General. From 29 April 1944 - Head of the 2nd Department of the Automobile Directorate of the 1st Belorussian Front. Participated in the liberation of Ukraine and Poland.
Awarded with the Cross of the 5th class.
Goryainov Boris Nikolayevich
Major General of the Technical Service. Head of the Military Communications Department of the Kalinin Front.
Awarded with the Cross of the 5th class.
Grebennik Kuzma Evdokimovich
Soviet military leader. Hero of the Soviet Union. From 6 August 1943 - commander of the 15th Infantry Division of the 61st Army, which took part in the liberation of Belarus and Poland. After the war, he commanded the 27th Guards Mechanized Division as part of the 7th Mechanized Army of the Northern Group of Forces in Poland.
Awarded with the Cross of the 4th class.
Deinekhovsky Petr Ippolitovich
Major General of Artillery, Brigadier General of the Polish People's Army. In June 1944 he was sent to the 1st Polish Army in the USSR, and was appointed commander of the 4th anti-tank artillery brigade. From 1 April 1944 - deputy chief of artillery of the 1st Polish Army.
Awarded with the Cross of the 5th class.
Ershov Vladimir Vasilievich
Major General. He fought on the 1st Belorussian Front and took part in the Warsaw-Poznan operation. In January 1951 he was appointed commander of a mechanized division in Poland.
Awarded with the Cross of the 5th class.
Zabaluev Vyacheslav Mikhailovich
Soviet military pilot. Hero of the Soviet Union. Major General of Aviation. In January 1945, Zabaluev's division took part in the Sandomierz-Silesian operation to liberate southern Poland.
Awarded with the Cross of the 5th class.
Zaitsev Vasily Ivanovich
Major General of Tank Forces, Hero of the Soviet Union. As part of the 61st Guards Tank Brigade, he took part in the liberation of Western Ukraine, Lvov and southern Poland.
Awarded with the Cross of the 5th class.
Kazakov Vasily Ivanovich
Soviet military leader, marshal of artillery, Hero of the Soviet Union. Commander of the artillery of the Belorussian Front. He took part in the Vistula-Oder operation to liberate Poland west of the Vistula.
Awarded with the Cross of the 4th class.
Kalinovich Dmitry Efremovich
Major General. From 29 June 1944 - Deputy Commander of the 17th Guards Cavalry Division of the 2nd Guards Cavalry Corps.
Awarded with the Cross of the 5th class.
Kimbar Iosif Konstantinovich
Soviet and Polish commander, lieutenant general of tank forces, general of a division of the Polish Army.
In May 1944 he was sent to serve in the Polish army. On 26 May 1944, he became commander of the armored and mechanized units of the 1st Army of the Polish Army. From 8 September 1944 - commander of the 1st Tank Corps of the Polish Army.
Awarded the Order of Virtuti Militari 3rd class.
Kozachek Sergey Borisovich
Lieutenant General. As commander of the 115th Rifle Corps, he took part in the Sandomierz-Silesian operation to liberate southern Poland.
Awarded with the Cross of the 5th class.
Lisitsyn Trofim Stepanovich
Was born on 2 October 1911. Commissar of the 1st battery of the 23rd Guards mortar division.
Awarded with the Cross of the 5th class.
Maryakhin Sergey Stepanovich
Soviet military leader, general of the army. Since November 1943 - Chief of the Operations Department of the Staff of the 4th Tank Army on the 1st Ukrainian Front. He took part in the liberation of Ukraine and Poland. Since March 1963 - commander of the Northern Group of Forces in Poland.
Awarded with the Cross of the 4th class.
Mironov Veniamin Borisovich
Colonel of the Soviet Army, participant of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union. Participated in the liberation of Belarus and Poland, including the cities of Slutsk and Brest in 1944.
Awarded with the Cross of the 5th class.
Nesterovich Venedikt Nikolaevich
Soviet military leader, Major General of artillery. Since 1945 he commanded the 2nd artillery division of the Polish Army.
Awarded with the Cross of the 5th class.
Novikov Vasily Vasilievich
Soviet military leader, Hero of the Soviet Union. Lieutenant General of Tank Forces. From 29 April 1944, he commanded the 6th Guards Tank Corps of the 3rd Guards Tank Army. He took part in the Lvov-Sandomierz operation to liberate Western Ukraine and South-Eastern Poland.
Awarded with the Cross of the 4th class.
Perkhorovich Franz Iosifovich
Soviet military leader, Hero of the Soviet Union. From 17 November 1944 - Commander of the 47th Army of the 1st Belorussian Front and took part in the Warsaw-Poznan operation. On 15 January 1945, units of the army launched an offensive north of Warsaw, crossed the Vistula River on the move and cut off the escape routes of German troops. On 17 January 1945, together with the 61st Army and the 1st Polish Army liberated Warsaw.
Awarded the Order of Virtuti Militari 3rd class.
Polynin Fyodor Petrovich
Bomber pilot and military leader, Hero of the Soviet Union. Since October 1944 - Commander of the Air Force of the Polish Army. After the war, he commanded the Polish Air Force for another two years.
Awarded with the Crosses of the 4th and 5th classes.
Pokryshkin Alexander Ivanovich
Soviet military leader, air marshal, three times Hero of the Soviet Union. In 1944 he took part in the Lvov-Sandomierz operation to liberate Western Ukraine and South-Eastern Poland.
Awarded with the Cross of the 5th class.
Poplavsky Stanislav Gilyarovich
Soviet and Polish military leader, Hero of the Soviet Union. In September 1944 he was sent to the Polish Army, which was part of the troops of the 1st Belorussian Front. He fought at the head of the Polish armies in the Vistula-Oder, East Pomeranian and Berlin operations. After the war, he commanded a Polish group of forces in occupied Germany. Since September 1945 - Commander of the Silesian Military District. He held the posts of Commander-in-Chief of the Land Forces of Poland, Second Deputy Minister of National Defense of Poland, Chief Inspector of Combat Training of the Armed Forces of Poland, Deputy Minister of National Defense of Poland.
Awarded the Order of Virtuti Militari 3rd class.
Popov Vasily Stepanovich
Soviet military leader, colonel general, Hero of the Soviet Union. In May 1944, he was appointed commander of the 70th Army of the 1st Belorussian Front, which distinguished itself during the Lublin-Brest offensive operation to liberate Western Belarus and Eastern Poland. After the war, he was appointed commander of the 43rd Army as part of the Northern Group of Forces in Poland.
Awarded the Order of Virtuti Militari 3rd class.
Pukhov Nikolay Pavlovich
Soviet military leader, colonel general, Hero of the Soviet Union. In May 1942, he was appointed deputy commander of the 13th Army of the Bryansk Front. The army took part in the Lvov-Sandomierz operation to liberate Western Ukraine and South-Eastern Poland.
Awarded the Order of Virtuti Militari 3rd class.
Rasskazov Konstantin Ivanovich
Soviet military leader, Major General of aviation. From November 1943 he took part in the operations for the liberation of Belarus and the eastern regions of Poland.
Awarded with the Cross of the 5th class.
Rzhechitsky Stanislav Antonovich
Soviet military leader, lieutenant general. From April 1944 in the ranks of the 1st Army of the Polish Army. After the war, he was the commander of the 11th Infantry Regiment of the 4th Infantry Division, Chief of the Operations Department of the Staff of the Polish State Security Corps, Commander of the State Security Forces of the Kielec Voivodeship of Poland.
Awarded with the Cross of the 5th class.
Rotmistrov Pavel Alekseevich
Soviet military leader, Chief Marshal of the Armored Forces, Hero of the Soviet Union. Participated in the liberation of Belarus and Poland in 1944.
Awarded with the Cross of the 5th class.
Rudenko Sergey Ignatievich
Soviet military leader, air marshal, Hero of the Soviet Union. Commander of the 16th Air Army of the 1st Belorussian Front. In 1944 he took part in the Belarusian operation to liberate Belarus and eastern Poland.
Awarded with the Order of Virtuti Militari 2nd class and the Cross of the 4th class.
Sivitsky Anton Teofilovich
Soviet and Polish military leader, Major General. In May 1943 he was appointed Chief of Staff of the 1st Polish Infantry Division. On 15 August 1943, he commanded the Dombrowski 2nd Warsaw Infantry Division. At the end of the war - Chief of Staff of the 4th Military District of the Polish Army, later Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Polish Army.
Awarded with the Cross of the 5th class.
Strazhevsky Vsevolod Ilyich
Lieutenant General, General of the Polish People's Army Division. He held the posts of First Deputy Minister of National Defense of Poland, head of various military districts of Poland.
Awarded with the Crosses of the 4th and 5th classes.
Frolenkov Andrey Grigorievich
Lieutenant General, Hero of the Soviet Union. As commander of the 134th Rifle Corps of the 19th Army of the 2nd Belorussian Front, he took part in hostilities during the East Pomeranian offensive and the liberation of the city of Gdynia.
Awarded with the Cross of the 5th class.